Resetting your student's Apple account password

Students may sometimes forget their password or passcode to their account. As a teacher, you have the ability to reset their passcode for them. To do so, open up the Classroom app on your iPad.

  1. In the Classroom app, tap on the class containing the student who needs their passcode reset.
  2. Tap on the student's icon.
  3. In the popup window, tap theĀ Password icon.
  4. Sign in with your managed Apple ID.
  5. When prompted, tap Reset.

  6. If you're successful, you'll be presented with a temporary password. Give this to the student.

Didn't work? You're probably not authorized to do so by your school or program administrator. Please submit a ticket, and we can do this for you.

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2022-01-31 05:22:00
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